Explosive Detection
NYC Port Authority
Ground Zero
On January 25, 2002 workers at Ground Zero recovered the remains of Sirius, the explosive detection dog, who’s believed to be the only canine to die in the attack on the World Trade Center.
On September 11th 2001, Sirius, an explosive detection dog working in Tower II of the World Trade Center, gave his life for his country. His responsibilities, along with his handler David Lim, included inspecting vehicles for explosives that entered the WTC. On September 11, 2001, Sirius and David were in their office in Tower II when they felt the first plane slam into Tower I. Lim left Sirius in the office promising to return. But while assisting in rescue operations Lim became trapped in a stairwell, along with a grandmother and firefighters from Ladder Company 6, for several hours when Tower I collapsed. Once freed he attempted to return to Tower II which was now rubble and inaccessible.
When Sirius’ remains were removed from the World Trade Center wreckage, they were given the same honors accorded firefighters and other rescuers, who lost their lives there too.